Hello, again!
Hey friends!
It’s been quite a while since I last posted a blog. In the past, I have used this website as a place to post things the Lord is speaking in my life, words He wants spoken to the church, and updates on my concussion testimony. Though I will definitely still do some of that in the future, I think it is time I take this website in a new direction.
My greatest passion, besides seeing people come to know Christ, is enabling Christians to deepen their knowledge of God and the faith we have. I absolutely love studying theology and the more “academic” side of our faith, but I also whole-heartedly love the personal experiences we get to have with God. I have found that many in the academic world turn away from the experiential side of our faith because they struggle to explain it in nice, neat words. However, I have also found that too many “regular Christians” (their words, not mine) in the church dismiss the idea of learning theology by simply saying, “I’m not a theologian, that is way over my head!”. But why settle? Why settle for just the knowledge, and why settle for just the experience? You can have both! The two should go hand in hand as the more we study God, the more we should want to experience Him, and the more we experience Him, the more we should want to know and understand Him. In any loving relationship, you want to learn as much as you can about that person, but you also want to spend time with that person and experience who they are what they do- so why is our relationship with God any different?
What I want to do with this website moving forward is post blogs that combine the experiential side of our faith with the academic side. I want to post blogs where we delve deeper in different aspects of our faith like the Trinity, what salvation is and how it works, the human and Divine authorship of Scripture, and so much more. I have some topics that will become series, and some that will be stand-alone blogs. Some people spend their entire lives researching some of the topics I want to cover, so the blogs will obviously not be all encompassing, but they will cover a lot of information, and I may go back and readdress some of the topics as I learn more! :)
I will be drawing mostly on Scripture as it the authority on all theology, but I also want to utilize great theologians who have come before us and studied these things. I believe there is a great deal that can be learned from the men and women who have dedicated their lives to studying these topics.
To say I am excited about this new direction is an understatement. I have been wanting to do this for quite a while, and I am so incredibly excited it is happening!
Ok, so here is what I am thinking for timeline: I am going to try to post a new blog every Monday. I have a really great one planned for next week where we will look a little deeper at the importance of knowing the God we worship and what sets Him apart from the gods of other religions.
Also, if you guys come across any topics you want me to cover, please send them to me! I would love to answer your questions and explore different topics of theology, church history, etc. Send me any and all of your questions through the contact page and I will try my best to answer them. Sometimes I might cover them in a blog, or I might email you about it, or if I know you, we could meet up and talk about it- it all depends on what the topic is and what would be best at the time.
I am so excited about this new direction and I know you guys will be also! I have some really amazing blogs already in the works, so keep an eye out. See you all next Monday!